THE PANCE WHISPERER: Interview with Erich Fogg, PA-C
Passing the PANCE is the first major hurdle in the transition from PA program to practice. While there is a high first-time pass rate, this ominous certification exam…
Passing the PANCE is the first major hurdle in the transition from PA program to practice. While there is a high first-time pass rate, this ominous certification exam…
We had the recent pleasure to interview Frank Randall, MPA, who is a financial planning professional that specializes in working with many APPs and other healthcare workers. His…
Our goal at The PA Blueprint is to keep you as informed as possible, and one way we can do that is to connect you with the clinical…
PANCE BASICS So, you’re moving along within the clinical year, or maybe getting ready to graduate and have this looming certification exam ahead of you. When we give…
In 10 years of primary care and urgent care medicine, I’ve vetted quite a few resources, and have some personal favorites. I figured I would share those with…
Tell me if this sounds familiar: You’re graduating soon and looking for jobs, reading through postings that sound great, only to scroll down further and find the dreaded…
THE PA BLUEPRINT: As we’ve said previously, one our of favorite aspects of being PA-preneurs is connecting with our colleagues in this space, and we’ve really enjoyed our…
HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE BURNED OUT? Self-awareness is the best way to know if you are burned out, but you can also be deceived by…
WHAT CAUSES BURNOUT? Often overlooked, the mental conditioning from our “mini-medical school” training as PAs acts as a primer for future burnout. Especially during our clinical rotations, we…
WHAT FACTORS INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD OF BURNOUT? According to this article by Essary, et. al: “…small studies suggest that rates of burnout among PAs may be similar to rates among physicians,…
If you want to maximize your CME money, make sure to look for promo or coupon codes to decrease the costs of your spending. For example, Travel Medical Seminars routinely…
With certain CME purchases, you may be able to increase the relative value of the CME money 3x. What I mean is that you can find CME to…
Our free guide on how to change specialties as a PA.