HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE BURNED OUT? Self-awareness is the best way to know if you are burned out, but you can also be deceived by…
HOW DO YOU KNOW IF YOU ARE BURNED OUT? Self-awareness is the best way to know if you are burned out, but you can also be deceived by…
WHAT CAUSES BURNOUT? Often overlooked, the mental conditioning from our “mini-medical school” training as PAs acts as a primer for future burnout. Especially during our clinical rotations, we…
WHAT FACTORS INCREASE THE LIKELIHOOD OF BURNOUT? According to this article by Essary, et. al: “…small studies suggest that rates of burnout among PAs may be similar to rates among physicians,…
WHAT ARE THE SYMPTOMS OF BURNOUT? Knowing the concept and definition of burnout is one thing, but it is more important to understand and recognize the common symptoms. …
What is burnout? According to Christina Maslach, psychology professor and creator of the gold standard for burnout assessments (Maslach Burnout Inventory, or MBI): “Burnout is a psychological syndrome…
Perhaps with a few months of practicing medicine in this “pandemic-era” under your belt, you are feeling like you are taking on water and sinking fast, aka BURNOUT? Or,…
“AIN’T NOBODY GOT TIME FOR THAT” VERSION: Working in medicine, pre-pandemic, felt like TREADING WATER: Dynamic, exhausting and with dire consequences of not being able to keep up with…
“WTF??!!” — This was how my pandemic burnout was manifesting. It seemed like every new email, organization-wide protocol change, “red zone” area, COVID-19 related symptom, or essentially anything…
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